God help us in this..

We are all shocked by the Delhi incident and my heart and mind goes to the little sweet girl who had to face the horror induced by some cheap wicked hoodlums. The ans 2 how can anybody do this is Nobody can do such things. 99.09 % of the people around us are born with realization of the good and bad. Then the surroundings and many other elements like parents, teachers, friends etc teach us to live and let live. But there exist 0.09% of those evil ones who hide among-st us, they move around us doing different things, they can be drivers, doctors, teachers, workers, rickshaw taxi drivers etc but they can not be identified unless something of this sort comes up. That is the horror of these that we can not easily find them until the evil is done. Whole of the system needs 2 be introspected. How can we save our world from shattering down is a question we need to work on. These people have no conscience so putting them in jail doesn't work. They should be shown no mercy, there is no chance that they would change. It is a production fault from the supremo God who has made us humans and want us to live and let live! Difficult slow death to those who do such horrors is just a simple time being solution, we need to wipe it off from our society! God help us in this..

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