Enjoy every moment of the total journey

Yes! i like 2 fly in the sky and always try 2 take every opportunity to enjoy every moment of the total journey right from driving down to the Dr.Babasaheb ambedkar Nagpur airport, parking my car in the parking lot till i get back to retrieve it and drive my car back late night to Amravati. I never rush in life because having had a lot many near death experiences has increased the meaning of extra life as a bonus. Many times even when there is a flight ready to take off which i can take in say ten mins i prefer taking the other one which is after 2 hours so that i can move around in the airport malls, cafeterias, book stores etc. I don't carry any baggage just a small hand bag which makes it easy 2 travel and clear the security check.My eating times are just twice both at 12 mid-day and mid-night so i dont have 2 worry because i dont eat anything in between, just a lot of black sugarless cawfee or tea, I prefer the last but one window seat on the right side especially if its a airbus 327, and the usual airlines i use is either indigo, jet, spice-jet or if no choice than kingfisher. Yes, its so refreshing 2 wake up in the morning as usual 4 am exercise etc and getting out at 5.30 when all r still asleep, and driving when the streets r empty to Nagpur all alone with good music and thinking about all good times n friends. And then on the flight looking down the skies, the clouds and down the fiedls and rivers and landing at the Indhira Gandhi airport where my friends car is waiting 4 me 2 whisk me away 2 Pahadganj for special Delhi Chole-Bhaturas, just in 2 hours i m ready 2 take the evening flight back 2 Nagpur and get home for the mid-night meal which my wife prepares and when home asks me where were u all day? i just smile and tell her was in Pahadganj, and she knows it all!

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